Unit Test Results

A sample project description

Browser: PhantomJS 2.1.1 (Windows 7 0.0.0)
Timestamp: 2016-06-02 21:16:34

3 tests / 0 errors / 1 failures / 1 skipped / runtime: 0.005s


should confirm app startup
Passed in 0.003s

controllers » UsersEditCtrl

should setup a scope object correctly

directives » Edit

should attach methods to the scope

Expected null to be true.
D:/Node.js/Karma HTMLfile Reporter/tests/tests.spec.js:17:20

System output:
PhantomJS 2.1.1 (Windows 7 0.0.0) LOG: 'This comes from console.log()'
Browser: Chrome 50.0.2661 (Windows 7 0.0.0)
Timestamp: 2016-06-02 21:16:34

3 tests / 0 errors / 1 failures / 1 skipped / runtime: 0.007s


should confirm app startup
Passed in 0.003s

controllers » UsersEditCtrl

should setup a scope object correctly

directives » Edit

should attach methods to the scope

Expected null to be true.
at Object.<anonymous> (D:/Node.js/Karma HTMLfile Reporter/tests/tests.spec.js:17:16)

System output:
Chrome 50.0.2661 (Windows 7 0.0.0) LOG: 'This comes from console.log()'